
Deep Learning is a fast-growing field with too many models(papers), methods, algorithms and applications. It’s easy to forget what you’ve learned or mix things up if you don’t take notes. And documentation is a very good way to collect knowledge, organize notes and share thinking about deep learning. That’s why I choose to build a documentation with Sphinx, Github and ReadtheDocs.


This is my Deep Learning Notes documentation, very welcome to visit and share your thoughts through Github fork of the project.


Actually, I met many errors(from powershell and ReadtheDocs platform) during building this website. So here I want to show you the simplest way:

  1. Install Sphinx through pip.
    1. (better to do)create a new environment for your project using conda.
       conda create -n myenv python=3.7 # choose your own environment name and python version
       conda activate myenv
    2. install the library
      #if you're in China, because of Great Firewall, use "pip install sphinx -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/" instead.
       pip install sphinx 
  2. Start a project

    You will be asked several questions to finish the initialization:

    Separate source and build directories (y/n) [n]: y
    Project name: your_project_name
    Author name(s): your name
    Project version: 1.0.0
    Project language [en]:en
  3. Create a rst file called “hello.rst” under source directory. Write as follows (actually, this is the rst grammer you must know):

     This is a Title
     Subject Subtitle
     Lists can be unnumbered like:
      * Item Foo
      * Item Bar
     Words can have *emphasis in italics* or be **bold** and you can define
     code samples with back quotes, like when you talk about a command: ``sudo``
     gives you super user powers!
  4. Add a Table of Contents in the index page
    .. toctree::
       :maxdepth: 2
  5. Build the html files
     make html

    Then we can see there are two new directories under build directory— doctrees and html. Now you can just open the html files to see what your website is like.

  6. Upload your project to Github
    1. Create a new public repository on your Github
    2. Connect your local project with this repository
       # be sure you're already in the project root directory
      git init
      git branch -M main
      git remote add origin git@github.com:yourgithubaccount/yourrepositoryname.git
      git add .
      git commit -m "init"
      git push origin main
  7. Connect your Github with ReadtheDocs
    1. Sign up ReadtheDocs(click) by “Sign up with Github” and authorize it.
    2. click “import a project”
    3. choose a repository from you github repository list
    4. click next, then build
  8. Dalaaa! Now you have your documentation that you can edit locally, push to Github and build on ReadtheDocs.