Create a programming language

Python is a high-level language. It should be first interpreted into bytecode by interpreter written by C, and then translated into machine learning to be executed.

A powerful form of abstraction is to define a new language that is tailored to a particular type of application or problem domain.

A programming language has:

  • Syntax: The legal statements and expressions in the language
  • Semantics: The execution/evaluation rule for those statements and expressions

For example, if now we want to create a language called “Calculator”. We need to define:

  1. Syntax:
    1. The Calculator language has primitive expressions and call expressions. (That’s it!)
    2. A primitive expression is a number: 2 -4 5.6; A call expression is a combination that begins with an operator (+, -, *, /) followed by 0 or more expressions: (+ 1 2 3) (/ 3 (+ 4 5)) 17
    3. Expressions are represented as Scheme lists (Pair instances) that encode tree structures.
  2. Senmantics: The value of a calculator expression is defined recursively.
    • Primitive: A number evaluates to itself.
    • Call: A call expression evaluates to its argument values combined by an operator.
      • +: Sum of the arguments
      • *: Product of the arguments
      • -: If one argument, negate it. If more than one, subtract the rest from the first.
      • /: If one argument, invert it. If more than one, divide the rest from the first.

To create a new programming language, you either need a:

  • Specification: A document describe the precise syntax and semantics of the language
  • Canonical Implementation: An interpreter or compiler for the language


So now let’s create an interpreter for Calculator.

Structure of Interpreter

figure from CS61A

As we use eval to evaluate expressions in python interpreter, we define a calc_eval as below:

def calc_eval(exp):
    if isinstance(exp, (int, float)):
        return exp
    elif isinstance(exp, Pair):
        return calc_append(exp.first,
        raise TypeError
def calc_apply(operator, args):
    if operator == '+':
        return reduce(add, args, 0)
    elif operator == '-':
        return reduce(sub, args, 0)
    elif operator == '*':
        return reduce(mul, args, 1)
    elif operator == '/':
        return reduce(truediv, args, 1)
        raise TypeError
def reduce(fn, lst, initial):
    for item in lst:
      initial = fn(initial, item)
    return initial

# interactive interpreter
def read_eval_print_loop():
    """run a read-eval-print loop for Calculator"""
    while True:
            src = buffer_input()
            while src.more_on_line:
                expression = scheme_read(src)#parsing
        except (SyntaxError, TypeError, ValueError, ZeroDivisionError) as err:
            print(type(err).__name__, ":", err)
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
            print('Calculation completed.')

Special forms

Calculate is a simple example, which only includes a very small part of Scheme. How do interpreters process special forms in Scheme?

Special forms are identified by the first list element, like:

(if <predicate> <consequent> <alternative>)
(lambda (<formal-parameters>) <body>)
(define <name> <expression>)

Any combination that is not a known special form is a call expression.


The task of parsing a language involves coercing a string representation of an expression. to the expression itself.

figure from CS61A


  1. Interpreters